
How to make out with a girl for 40 seconds or less - for real

 How to make out with a girl for 40 seconds or less - for real

 How to make out with a girl for 40 seconds or less - for real

If you've ever seen a guy in a bar go up With a girl he does not know and make her almost instantly, it can be a truly amazing experience. It seems magical or beyond reach - a special ability or super power that someone is born.

But not so. And it can be divided into a few simple steps that you can follow to make the same thing happen to you. In this article, I will break those steps.

The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between a really good woman and a bad or average woman is the ability to discover a woman who is ready to explore.

At first I felt crazy, but it was true. If you go into a bar and go to any woman without knowing which signs to look for, your success rate goes down.

You have to know how to realize that a woman has this "make-out ready" state, so you can step up and become that "guy."

Do not buy into the myth that women do not want this to happen.

Women are sexually (if not more sexually) than guys. Most of the time, this "turbo" session never happens, because so many people are afraid to look for it. And when this does not happen, the girls will come home alone or worse .. stay is kind of meant for so many guys in the bar / are angry and angry because no one is approaching they.

By putting this technique into practice, you want to discover how to see women you can make with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.

There are a few excellent indicators that will tell you if a woman is a game, or is ready for an instant conversation.

Need to find

First indicator is that women often look down. When a woman looks down frequently, she is exposed to her emotions.

Let me explain ... When we look in different directions, we approach different parts of our brain. This is called "Eye Access Cues." When a woman is in the bar and looking down, she is exposed to her emotional brain.

If she's eye contact with you, look down then back, she said: "I have an emotional response to you look at me and I look down." And if she also tilted her head down (and not just with her eyes to look down), she was lowering herself a little lower and showing the presentation.

This gives you the ability to go up and become the dominant man.

Now, if she looks at you, smiling and not turning away, this could be a much more difficult situation. On the social side, she is meeting you, and does not present you immediately.

Women that you'll be able to walk and perform with in 40 seconds or less will automatically assume the role of submissive as a woman. It is a quality show that you will be able to quickly find out with her.

Another quality is that she is actively looking for eye contact. This is very important. A woman who engages in someone special and she does not step away will not be easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It will take longer.

Again, you will have to play a completely different game when you step up. You can not just walk up and make out with her.

Instead, if you see a woman talking but she constantly looks around and tries to communicate with the eyes with a lot of people, this is probably very, very likely opportunity for you and that. Is a woman you can walk up and immediately have sex with.

Other features are revealed in the way they are moving and how they dress. Let's say she's standing with her legs about the shoulder distance. It is unlikely that a woman standing like this will be available for you to come up and dominate. That's because she's in a dominant position, with a stronger body language and maybe she'll be able to endure a lot.

Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has two legs closer together and seems to be outside a group, looking around a bit.

One more thing is the way she dresses. If she's dressed in great style and attracts a lot of attention, she probably is not the kind of girl you can walk to and make out with in 40 seconds.

This type of woman is seeking attention - not someone to dominate them. What you want is a person in the middle "I do not care" and "Staring at my chest, bitch!" Somewhere between wearing jeans with an elastic strap to the bar and really really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low shirt. You want to find someone in between those two extremes.
Many women vacationers fall into this field. They do not want to dress or dress, and do not know what the bar atmosphere will look like. They often go into exuberance, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is a great situation for you (and of course, of course).

That's what you need to find and how you discovered her from the beginning. If you see some of them, you want to see her for a moment. If you think she is the type of person that you can go to and do this, then proceed.

If not, I really suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.

Next, as soon as you're done and you've seen your girl (there may be three or four girls in a bar at any given time) you will step up and start scary part. .

Things need to do

This is the most powerful frame control. It is very important that you understand how to control the frames of others if you want to go through as you are expert on this.

By "frame", I basically mean "their reality." Whenever someone hears "stop", "wait" or "no", they immediately register anything. So if I say, "Do not think of a black cat," you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version you have in your head. If I say, "Do not try to create with me" or "Do not do it for me now," the girls will be consciously heard, "Do not do it to me," but they will subconsciously. Listen, "Come with me now!" You are trying to use Inception in real life to make a difference to you to be your idea. She should think, "What should I do? What's with this guy? "Now, in the process of typing M framing control, will be using a lot of latent triggers to get this to go as quickly as possible.Please just use it for good.Have many evil ways to not try to seduce Again, that is one of the reasons why it is important that you realize that a woman really wants to be seduced by a man. So to recap so far: you go up, you put your finger on your lips and you tell her "Shhh" a second and then you say a sentence starting with "no" or "wait Wait "or" Stop. "My typical example is" Do not worry ... right now. " That's all I say. And I slowed down that speech - "Do not ... worry ... right now." Then I went right into the next report, That is, "You and I will have a secret We will secretly kiss and no one knows." And as I'm saying this, I'm leaning on ... and you'll do the same when you do that. How long are you leaning on ... so ... slowly. At the same time, you are looking from your eyes down your lips and back to your eyes again. This is called "triangulating". Count three people to look at her eyes, then look down and count to two, look back and count to three, look down and count to two ... etc. Do it three or four times as you are talking. This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a bit. I did not expect you to make it perfect the first time. So again, you say, "We'll have a secret. We'll kiss and no one will know." From now on, you are really just filling the void with words as you are leaning in so you are still controlling the interaction. So you are going to be very, very slow, take the right or left hand - anyone can access more - and reach the back you will not pull her towards you or anything else, just Its very light touch. The sign that it works is that she looks at your lips? If she looks at your lips, you have a green light to come forward. If she looks in your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or come back and come back again and try again. This resets the clock in her mind, to speak. When you come back and come back again, most people consider this a fresh start in conversation. It is a strange hole in psychology. For some reason, that's how we are like humans. When someone turns their back and turns around, we give them another chance to move forward. So if you get some resistance, turn around, turn around, smile, and keep going. If she gives you resistance again, you should probably leave and find another woman. If she looks at your lips and seems very relaxed and excited, then proceed. You will move very close and speak almost directly to her ear. !Important! In a bar-like environment, you want to speak louder, but do not make noise. Your voice is very low so you have to be very, very close to her ears to hear her. Then you will continue to talk ... What I usually say is, "No one can see this, it will be our little secret. I promise not to tell anyone only if you promise that. You won Did not talk to anyone When I say this in her ear, I make sure she feels my breath on her neck So I breathe out normally than usual when I Talk to her so she can feel the hot air on her neck.This usually has a very important, profound, sexual response from women when you do it.If you are talking real close to the ear, You will, very slowly, hit your cheeks with her when you're talking, then you will move you through to your mouth closer to her, and then ... you will start kissing. And if you do this right, you start with just a soft peck ... then go straight into making out. It may not be the same as in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in less than 40 seconds - I've done it in less time, and I've seen other guys do it, too. Practice it What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go ahead a minute or two and then to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30 seconds). You will not use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it's good to have this in your captivating arsenal. You want to make sure you have the right kind of stuff for the job, so to speak. Whenever you see a girl in that state and ready to be seduced, If you beat the bushes, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she will be turned off. And you've lost a golden opportunity. Instead, when you discover this, you want to be able to see her, know that is what she wants, go in and give it to her right away. This is the main difference between rock stars as they step up and seduce a woman ... and who wants them to be wonderful when seducing a woman. There are many other success factors. There are techniques on how to speak to the right way ... how to make her touch allow her to feel comfortable and not turn off any of her exotic alarm switches. ... specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she's completely in your zone. What took me from a normal man to a famous dating coach knows a lot of cuts like this and knows when to get them out. And these truncations can also improve your game with women. Remember these traits in women wanting to be seduced, and remember - can be done with a woman for 40 seconds or less

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Seven golden rules of lesbian dating

Seven golden rules of lesbian dating
It’s a minefield— when you are dating someone of the same sex. And especially if the sex happens to be the fairer one! Most of you would think it would be easier, right?  You deal with the same issues— shopping, PMS, body-weight issues, gossip and then the sulks, mood swings, tantrums and the occasional joy. Take it from me—not really! Here are my rules to make your way through the Indian lesbian dating scene…

Rule No 1: You are hot property but act fast
Yes, you are hot property! Bi-curious, Bi-sexual, Women in open Rrelationships, married but mingling with the Same Sex… Many labels abound and few women wear the tag of being lesbian with ease! Also given how many closets most gay women live with, only a miniscule percentage ever really come out. So if you are "coming out" to yourself and being openly proud of your own sexuality, get prepared for the spotlight.
If you are reasonably presentable, own your own wheels/pad and are financially stable, women will woo you and how! Your phone will ring off the hook. You will be quizzed on everything— from past, present to minutiae like favourite colour and fantasy! You will be invited to house parties, sleepovers, community events, movie screenings, late night drives; and discover more BFF’s than Paris Hilton in a few weeks!
Well-meaning lezzie couples will try and fix you with friends, and you will get more than your dose of dating advice and phone numbers.
Names of women who may be interested will be dropped and you will be the topic of much conversation. You will be asked to dance, advised to loosen up and politely told to get onto the whirligig of sex, lust and smoke!
But let me assure you, this spotlight is temporary with no exception! The limelight will stay perhaps only till you give in— and change your status from single/virgin to complicated, in a relationship or a slut on heat! Also, only until the next new attractive, single, independent face walks into the lesbian scene...

Rule No 2: Facebook/Twitter is your best friend
Sure, social networking sites work for everyone— business, personal, professional or a plain pick up. But in the lesbian dating scene – it is really where a lot of the opening gambits are made. While cheesy names ( I know, Tappy Tippy doesn’t really go that far— but Tooty Fruity, Buzzing Bee, Rain Droplets, SingleMaltonRocks, Crazy Chica – it’s an adjective filled world you are going to contend with), stranger pictures (grainy faces, sketches in black and white, body parts, celebrities— almost everything is fair and square) and cheesy lines.
Multiple personality disorder is also common and you may find friends having more than one Facebook handle to chat with friends their girlfriend doesn’t like. You may also find a lot of curious men posing as women, inviting you to web cams and phone sex, to hopefully wean you back into the heterosexual mating game! So be smart to stay one up.
Despite disadvantages, why Twitter/Facebook works is to suss out strangers you want to get to know better and be friends with, discover their levels of intelligence and emotional quotient with a safety net in place. And trust me, the chemistry that can get sparked and the intelligent banter that can take place in a chat window is phenomenal. Comments, pictures and of course reading up views of common friends comes in handy to know what you might be getting into before you go on a date!
But know that any social networking move will be dissected and bisected by the L-World! You can’t be friends in public/digital or online spaces without someone raising an eye brow or questioning banter on your status! No exploration is private and everyone in the community has a judgment and an opinion about it. So, develop a thick skin and learn to keep explorations, dates, introspection of your romance and love life off your Facebook updates/wallposts!

Rule No 3: No one is single!
A harsh truth, that. Yes, they may be sitting across a coffee table and telling you so with almost puppy dog eyes, but no one is really single in the lesbian scene. There is some undercurrent always going on— friends with benefits, one night stands, exes with physical strings attached. So brush up your math, logic and read up on Sherlock Holmes because his deduction skills are going to come in handy— as you figure out which girl you bumped into at a party is single or really just playing the field.
You need to wisen up if you don’t want to have your heart broken and your ass whipped by her current girlfriend or become the community’s latest chai time gossip. Read the undercurrents— if she’s on BBM constantly; if she’s getting picked up and dropped off by her ‘best friend’, or if she is flirty on chat, but isn’t in person and refuses to acknowledge your presence beyond casual pleasantries… you can safely assume she’s not single!  Just single-on-chat.
We also have another fairly statistic backed theory: You could be pursued and scouted to fit in the ‘BLANK-SOME category’— threesome, foursome, manysome, orgy— experimenting in same sex relationships is easy and you could well be a part of someone else’s number's game without even realizing it!

Rule No 4: Embrace the ex-factor
The best advice I got from my first lesbian friend who sat me down the night I came out to her was, “The lesbian world is very incestuous. So the first thing you have to learn is to be friends with your exes and your flings! We are just simply too few in numbers! Get ready for it.”
It's true. I’ve seen exes hang out with their ex-girlfriends and their current partners without even a mere raising of the eyebrow from friends. In fact, some of them have gone out of their way to play cupid for their ex-girlfriend! The rhyme for dating success in the lesbian community could well be —if the girl you must win, with the ex-girlfriend you must begin.
Trust personal experience— if her ex-girlfriend doesn’t like you—you ain’t gonna score brownie points! And yes, bitching out your ex-girlfriend— unless she was Cruella II— is not at all a good idea. She might soon be a part of the same group or dating a close friend and having to eat every nasty thing you said about her could give you a serious case of indigestion! Nonetheless, it’s a tough art to master— to steel yourself and smile as you watch an ex-girlfriend or fling move on with ease.
Also learning how to be super cool even as you know that your current crush could have dated every single woman in the room is a skill you must perfect before you jump into the dating scene. Sometimes, it also tests your observation skills and memory in conversation around a dinner table, as you watch the undercurrents of ‘who’s been with whom’ before you open your mouth!

Rule no 5: Love everything about women
Dating a woman will need you to love everything about a woman. Yes, PMS included. Patience and perseverance are adjectives which will come handy. It’s tough to hold a woman’s attention all the time so get interesting— will you? Learning a language, having a yen for travel or even being good with poetry or the camera are skills that come handy.
Most lesbian women are known to be superb hosts and if cooking is not your skill, maybe ordering perfect takeway is! A potential date impressed me, when she fixed a car horn that refused to stop blowing in a five-star lobby in a few minutes. Trust me, you want to date a woman who can handle herself and help you in a sticky situation.
Most lesbian women appreciate women who are ‘women’. So don’t lose touch with your feminine side. Vaginal washes, Brazilian waxes, sexy lingerie, candles and incense will play a larger role in your equations with a potential date/lover than it ever did in hetro-horsing around.

Rule No 6: Safety does NOT lie in numbers
At one level the rules of dating in the lesbian world are similar to any other playground: Be friends, go out in a group, discover mutual interests. But going on a date with a girl you like with your lesbian friends is a singularly bad idea. Subtlety doesn’t come easy and the teasing could kill any blooming romance. Also by the time you have made up your mind a well meaning friend could have made their move— and you could be left hanging high and dry or forced into intimacy/decisions of any kind, faster than you would like to.
What’s wise and extremely practical is to date your potential  girlfriend with your straight friends. Neither will your straight girlfriends make goo-goo eyes, or pass their phone number in a tissue, but they will also give you valuable advice of their perspective. What’s more, it will help you address potential issues like emotional stability, comfort with her coming out process, ease with your friends and common interests with much ease and at your own pace!
Also, if and when you decide to go your separate ways, it will not become the whole group’s business and picking up the pieces might be a little easier.

Rule No 7: See, but more importantly, be seen
It may be a cliché— but out of sight, baby, is out of mind! So if you are looking to date, we suggest you say yes to every party, movie screening invite that comes your way. Parties, community events are hard to come by— maybe twice or thrice in a month given the small numbers and unlike the gay boys scene— where numbers, parties and groups are a plenty— you will end up bumping into regular faces here.
Say yes always. Be diplomatic and tactful— and attend events, even if it is merely to mark attendance. RSVP if you are missing events so you are not considered a snob or labeled picky/unfriendly/cold. Also choose a lesbian friend you can be comfortable hanging out with, or learn to smoke or nurse a drink. Either of these will come handy. It’s also the best way to be introduced to more people, meet the strange Facebook names and actually hope to hell, a coffee/sane conversation can be on the cards.
Managing perceptions and people in the L-World is even more important than managing a brand because people seemed to have an opinion without even having met you online or in real life. Fellow lesbians can happily nip a ‘could have been a relationship’ by telling another she’s not your type. As a rule, lesbian women can be self-obsessed, sensitive to criticism and also gossip.
Your new best friend could easily start dating your available ex. So if you’ve dated a few women, slept with some, you could be dealing with more labels and gossip than you can handle. But the lesbian cult is incestuous and learning to be a part of this endlessly circulating library is wise because there ain’t any way out!

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The Highest and Best Book Award on Amazon

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But before you can reap the benefits of online dating, you must learn how to make yourself look real (in a way that is authentic) and have an approach that will allow you to get the best results. In the least time.

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